As a psychotherapeutic counsellor, I have an innate belief in the positive nature of all of us. I believe we will strive to do the best for ourselves and that we have a desire to fulfil our true potential. I also believe that you are the expert on your own life and that you know what is best for you, even if sometimes that doesn’t feel true.
As human beings, we all had judgmental and critical messages imposed on us by others early in life, leading us to believe that we are only acceptable if we think, feel and behave in particular ways. Because we all have a need to feel valued, over time, our personal judgements, meanings and experiences can become displaced if we try too hard to belong and be accepted by those around us.
My aim is to provide an environment in which you will feel safe to explore and express your deepest conflicts, feelings, emotions and desires, confidentially and without being judged. A space where you can strengthen, accept and expand your own identity, and by challenging yourself, reconsider some of your beliefs that once served a purpose, but which now hold you back.
One of the most courageous acts we can ever make is to accept our vulnerabilities and look within ourselves to shift and develop as healthy individuals. By visiting my site, you've found the courage to take the first step. If you feel ready to take the second, contact me to schedule your free 15-minute telephone initial assessment or to book a 50-minute individual counselling session.
Dan Angel